Prayer is a Key

Back To School Prayer for students

Back to School Preparation – 5 Valuable Scriptures to Pray With Your Kids…

· 5 Valuable Scriptures to Pray With Your Kids... ·

Aug, 15, 2019

Back to School Preparation – 5 Valuable Scriptures to Pray With Your Kids… This is an exciting time of year with so many students going back to school! It starts with Back to School shopping, packing new lunch boxes, backpacks, and so much more!  

Before our kids head out the front door, let’s make sure we prepare them for everything they encounter! Prayer is the first line of defense in a believer’s life and can be done before you leave home or in the car on the way to school. Be encouraged to pray together each day!

Photo by Nicole Honeywill on Unsplash


Lord, I pray that I will thank you from my heart and will never stop singing your praises. Psalm 30:12 - Full Chapter @BibleGateway


May I know that the Lord is God. It is He who made me, and I am His, one of His people, the sheep of His pasture. Psalm 100:3 - Full Chapter @BibleGateway

Teach Respect

Lord, I pray that I will have respect for you, that I will serve you, and be completely faithful to you. Joshua 24:14A, B - Full Chapter @BibleGateway

How to make it through the day!

God, I pray that I will have the endurance that develops strength of character, which will strengthen my confident hope of salvation. Romans 5:4 - Full Chapter @BibleGateway

Learn Proper Behavior

God, I pray that I won’t copy the behavior and customs of this world but will let You transform me into a new person by changing the way I think. Romans 12:2a - Full Chapter @BibleGateway

Moms In Prayer Story

Are you looking to connect with other parents and grandparents to pray for your student in Back to School Preparation? Moms In Prayer might be the group for you. Read their story and how they got started.

HOW IT ALL STARTED: In 1984, Fern Nichols’ heart was heavy for her two oldest sons because of the temptations they would face in junior high school. She called another mom to pray for their children and the school. They invited other Christian moms and began meeting for Prayer. This was the beginning of the Moms in Prayer International ministry. Word spread and soon groups grew in her area and later spread throughout the world. Today, Moms in Prayer is led by President Sally Burke, and groups meet in every U.S. state and in more than 150 countries. Click the link to read more and JOIN!



  1. Reply


    August 19, 2019

    What a great post. I plan on using the prayer, encouragement and inspiration for my child at grad school as well as my son and husband who go off to work. Its never too late to see the value in prayer.

    • Reply


      August 22, 2019

      Thank you so much Jean! Your encouragement is very sweet!

    • Reply


      October 16, 2019

      Thank you, Jean! So great for you to pray for your grad student as well as your husband and son!

  2. Reply

    Christina Daniels

    August 19, 2019

    Wow. This is an amazing post. As a teacher, I see why it is so necessary to pray for the school, teachers, and students. School can definitely be a spiritual war zone. This is definitely a Holy Spirit inspire post. Thank you.

    • Reply


      August 22, 2019

      Thank you so much Christina! May God bless you in unexpected ways as you teach this year!

    • Reply


      October 16, 2019

      Thank you, Christina! It’s so important to be praying for you as well as other teachers!

  3. Reply

    Saroya Ann Melfe

    August 19, 2019

    This was so awesome, Thank you for sharing!

    • Reply


      August 22, 2019

      Thank you Saroya! So glad you stopped by!!

    • Reply


      October 16, 2019

      Thank you so much Saroya, so glad you found it encouraging!

  4. Reply


    August 20, 2019

    This teaches prayer and scripture! Prayer time for our daughter and me is in the car on the way to school.

    • Reply


      August 22, 2019

      What a great way to build unity with your daughter!

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