Tired and Weary
Dear Church, why are you sleeping? As the Church, we have become weary the farther we walk away from the garden God created. With bruises, we are like a child who is beaten down by a schoolyard bully. The marks are almost visible to the naked eye, but we are healing.

God never Intended This
We eat fast food, drive fast cars, and have chosen fast friends. They each can take something God never intended for us to give. Overworked, overwhelmed, and timed out. We have gradually given over our attention and affections to something and someone other than Him. All the while, we pray for revival to come.
Already Here
But for what? From what? And? Why did so many believers not recognize that it was already here? From the beginning, God has done so much to get our attention in hopes that we would love Him. He has used so much in His arsenal, including death on the cross. Only for us to realize that He has an entirely devoted love for every human being He creates.
Remember your promise to me; it is my only hope. Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles. The proud hold me in utter contempt, but I do not turn away from your instructions. Psalm 119:49-51
Wake up sleepy heads
With rumors of wars, acts of nature, terrorism, pandemics, and now chaos in the street, what will happen next? Like the disciples in the garden, we as the Church have been sleeping. What more will it take to jolt us awake? Without a doubt, I believe revival has been here from the beginning, and we somehow didn’t recognize it.
Significant Reboot
So what now that God has given us a significant reboot, what is to be our next move? With the recent pandemic of Covid19, we have had the chance to pull back the forces and rest. Maybe we can start again, but not without a plan. We must regroup in unity so we can move forward and be productive.
Pray is Our Best Strategy
According to Luke 22:39-46, prayer is our best strategy. During Jesus’s most hour of need, He emplored the disciples to pray with Him. Why? He knew they would be vulnerable to sin without it. He knew he would be exposed as well with everything hinging on His willingness to move forward with the eternal plan.

Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives
39 Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. 40 On reaching the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” 41 He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, 42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” 43 An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. 44 And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. 45 When he rose from prayer and went back to the disciples, he found them asleep, exhausted from sorrow. 46 “Why are you sleeping?” he asked them. “Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.” Luke 22:39-46 NIV
Follow Jesus’ Example
Jesus wants the Church to follow His example and pray for strength and direction. Without prayer, we will fail and fall hard, and the stakes are too high. With prayer, God will give us the clarity we need and the ability to execute His plan. From our history, it’s clear we need His help.
Amen and amen! Prayer is so important as scripture tells us that men ought to always pray. These are great times for us as a church to fast and pray and seek the will of God for our lives and what we must do to reach the lost. Great read!
Thank you, Joy! Agreed that prayer is one of the best things we can do during this trying time in our world history.
Teresa, great insight into the things of this world that try to distract us from our Heavenly Father. I agree that everything surrounding COVID-19 has and should make people take a step back and reflect on their priorities. It has been a somewhat difficult time for me, with a job loss surrounding the pandemic, but I had been wanting to leave anyway, so I look at it as a path that God made for this to happen. I have been a Christian since I was a child but have come to truly trust in God’s daily provision during this time. I also love the idea of a worship music video at the end of the post, which I have done myself, as it gives the reader time to reflect on the written word.
I am so glad that you recognize God moving in your life and situation during the pandemic. It’s great to hear you have a stronger connection with Him as well. I will pray for His provision for you!
Beautiful Post! It is true…the Church seems to be asleep. You have provided a gentle reminder of what problems we face and what needs to be done to resolve them. Nice job!
Thanks so much, Evelyn!
How else are we supposed to communicate with God if we don’t pray?! I believe that when we need to talk to God, we pray. When He needs to talk to us, He usually speaks to us through the scriptures. And, when it comes to developing relationships with people, we communicate with them, right? We have a dialogue spend time together, etc. We must do the same things to develop a relationship with Christ. Therefore, we must pray, listen, read His word, and serve Him. How can we know a master we haven’t served? That is one of the many ways we come to know His character. Isn’t God’s Plan perfect and wonderful! Too bad the world refuses to recognize it and dismisses God on so many levels. Forward ho!
Amen Mindy! I love the fact that we come to know the character of God by praying. And… Yes, God’s plan is perfect and wonderful!
Aunqunic Collins
Omgosh… I definitely love this. I speak about how we get so distracted from seeing God and what He is telling us to do. This is an incredible read. Thank you so much for sharing.
You’re so sweet Aunqunic! I am so glad you stopped by!