Prayer is a Key

Morning Prayer – The Best way to Start Your Day

· How to Start Your Day with Prayer ·

Jul, 15, 2020

Prayer first thing in the morning is the best way to start your day!

Morning Prayer, How to Start Your Day with Prayer

But I cry to you for help, Lord; in the morning my prayer comes before you. Psalm 88:13 NIV

Morning Person?

Is it a struggle to get out of bed or get your day going? Are you looking to jump-start your morning routine? Prayer is an easy way to get it all going before you jump out of bed, or your feet even hit the floor.

Morning Prayer – Establishing a routine

Are you a morning person or a night owl? I confess that I have a hard time getting up and want to stay in bed as long as I can. When I start with prayer, it makes the morning go much smoother.

It seems that communication needs to start with God first before speaking to anyone else because it allows the mind to warm up so thoughts can flow freely.

Where to Begin

“Good morning Lord” is my favorite way to start my morning prayer! It gives me the opportunity to reach out since I know God has been watching over me all night and waiting for me to meet with Him.

My next Step

My next step is praise! As a result, it places my thoughts on the attributes of God and keeps my mind off of negative so I can focus on positive.

Continuing on in Morning Prayer

I like to continue next with a little housekeeping. This is best done by asking God to show me anything I need to change or reveal something in my life that shouldn’t be there.

Moving Forward with Morning Prayer

To move forward in your day thank God and show how grateful you are for what He has done over the last day or so.

Follow with Intercession

Interceding for family and friends is an excellent way to get your thoughts straight. Praying for the needs of the world brings peace by placing everything in God’s capable hands.

A Closing Benediction

In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning, I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. Psalm 5:3 NIV

Danny Gokey – Give Me Jesus (Live)

Give Me Jesus

In the morning, when I rise give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
When I am alone
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
Just give me Jesus
Give me Jesus

When I come to die
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
Just give me Jesus

Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
Just give me Jesus

JesusSource: LyricFind

Songwriters: C.S. Brown – Give Me Jesus lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc.



  1. Reply


    August 8, 2020

    Great reminders! I like “Good morning, Lord!” Danny Gokey is so talented, too!

    • Reply


      August 28, 2020

      I know, I love Danny Gokey’s music!

  2. Reply


    August 8, 2020

    Very good reminder. Life gets hard and heavy so much of the time. We NEED to pray in the morning. I try to take a walk by myself every morning to clear my head and start my day off right with prayer. It really helps.

    • Reply


      August 28, 2020

      Great idea, Kristen! I love that you start your day with prayer while you walk!

  3. Reply


    August 8, 2020

    Due to the interesting year and church services being moved online, I started searching for another way to connect with God while being unable to praise him in his home and found a community of Bible Journaling. It allows me to connect with the Lord, be moved by His word and use my creativity. I’ve still been working on finding a way to start my Bible journaling sessions and your post has inspired me to start with a morning prayer as a way to connect with the Lord as I prepare to praise him everyday. Thank you.

    • Reply


      August 28, 2020

      I am so glad Felisa, I will pray for you!

  4. Reply


    August 8, 2020

    Such a great plan for starting the morning off with prayer! It really does set the tone for your day, I really like the “housekeeping” idea and doing that in the morning so that you work through anything that might effect your day! Thanks for sharing

    • Reply


      August 28, 2020

      Thank you so much for stopping by Alyssa!

  5. Reply

    Katie Restrepo

    August 8, 2020

    This is lovely. We always have out evening prayers, but I am so not a morning person it often gets forgotten in the rush to start the day. These are some great tips to make the simple transition of adding it in the morning routine.

    • Reply


      August 28, 2020

      I am not a morning person either and can relate to you, Katie. Thank you so much for stopping by!

  6. Reply

    Robin Buck

    August 9, 2020

    I’ve been trying to get more consistent with morning prayer. Thanks for these steps and the inspiration to keep at it!

  7. Reply

    Cynthia Garvey

    August 9, 2020

    Hello, Teresa and thank you for such a wonderful post! Give Me Jesus is a wonderful song and fits for every situation in our lives. I love your style and your directness in each point. It is very important to start our day communicating with our Lord. Sometimes I am not with it right away, but I do manage to keep my mind on Him and then when I do spend time with Him my mind is more focused on Him. I pray you have a wonderful Sunday and look forward to visiting your website again.

    • Reply


      August 28, 2020

      Thank you so much, Cynthia! I will pray for God to help you focus on Him.

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